Friday, February 22, 2008

A Prayer

This picture, according to me, stands for religious integration and good will. As it contains Allah, Jesus, and Krishna.....! And now, don't ask me, "where is Allah?" You know he is invisible.

Hare Krishna,
May religious barriers break and humanity thrive in harmony. Let bricks be used to build bridges, not walls. [And let not politicians dispute over it.]


  1. wonderful picture, got it through Vishy, Thank You

  2. hello, this word verification gave me lot of troubles, remove it, if it suits you, Thank You.

  3. A great & Great Picture.

    I dreamt for a long time for these kind of pictures.

    Not only this is enough.

    Each & every God of every religions Must look like My Krishna and jesus.

  4. Thanks for your comments. I don't know how to remove the word verfication... Any how I'll check it out... I dont have any objection to remove it...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I like this picture. Perhaps it is a represenataion of spiritual brotherhood. Perhaps they are brothers and share the common role of delivering the Divine message to their respective followers in their respective times.

    Thank You

  7. Yeah, That's what I think too.

    Thanks for your comment!

