Thursday, August 13, 2009

Shri Krishna's Birth!

A Light that is source of all the lights
Desired to take birth on a night!
The formless that forms all the forms
Decided to take a baby form!

With skin in colour, deep dark blue!
And rosy lips, to butter chew!
With silky, smooth and curly hair!
And eyes that resemble a lotus pair!

To grant us all an eternal bail
The judge was born in a locked up jail!
Wrapped up in a soft yellow silk
He too cried for mother's milk!

With eyes that filled with tears, brim
His father and mother worshipped him.
Peace, bliss and joy filled the air
And every cell of the lucky pair!

Seeing their devotion, the smile maker smiled
Blessed by which, they too smiled!
Thus was born the King of kings!
Whose matchless praise, every wise man sings!

Happy Krishna Jayanthi!

To read the tamil version of this poem, click here.


  1. warre wah.Amazing and awesome are inadequate to describe the poem.I have no words to express my joy on reading your master piece.Keep it up,Ramesh.You have abundant talent

  2. AWESOME NA!!!

    The poem rhymes happiness :=) A wonderful gift for us on Krishna Jayanthi!!!

    "To grant us all an eternal bail
    The judge was born in a locked up jail!
    Wrapped up in a soft yellow silk
    He too cried for mother's milk!"

    I loved these lines a lot. They are as sweet as Kutty Krishna :-)

  3. #K.Parthasarathi
    Thank you very much sir! All is Krishna's grace!

    Thanks mani! I know u'll enjoy this!

    Happy Krishna Jayanthi to both of you!

  4. Excellent poem :)directed here By Partha Thatha :) good to have visited your blog :) feeling very happy :)

  5. #dextorouslady

    Welcome to my blog, friend. Me too happy about ur visit. Thanks to Partha Thatha.


    Hi Sowmi, Welcome to my blog.

    Happy Krishna Jayanthi!

  6. amazing poem !!! this was simply superb with some amazing lines and rhymes!!

  7. Parv, Thank you very much! :)

    Happy Krishna Jayanthi!

  8. :) Smile maker Lord Krishna is gonna smile once he reads this poem.

  9. Oh...That would be the best reward then.

    Thanks Niru.

    Happy Krishna Jayanthi!

  10. How didn't I notice?

    Shri Krishna's Birth celebrates the 75th post of this blog!

    Happy Krishna Jayanthi!

    Happy Blogging!

  11. Nice one anna..
    happy krishna jayanthi :)

  12. Hi Kanaggu, Thanks!

    Happy Krishna Jayanthi!

  13. dexterouslady and Sowmi :) one and the same :)

  14. Hi Sowmi,

    Yeah, I understood that yesterday itself, though a bit late. :)

    I tried to post comment on your 'Impulsive blog', couldn't. Why?

  15. Lovely poem Ramesh... It is so nice to read about the birth of Lord Krishna in the form of a verse...

    Hare Krishna !!

  16. Very beautiful poem, indeed!It is full of well-chosen words used with a wonderful flow. Thanks,Ramesh, for this beautiful poem.

    But Krishna always has a form..that of Murlidhar; He is never formless. In Goloke Vrindaavan, He is as Murlidhar: His swaroop of sat chit aanand, the state of pure bliss which jeev-souls also reach if they get saamippya moksha and play with Krishna as their best friend.

    Then, for the purpose of creating the Universe, He takes up the Vishnu-form.

  17. Hello Ayesha :),

    Thanks for your appreciation.

    Krishna is the formless that pervades the whole universe. Krishna is not just the one who is as murlidhar in Vrindhavan or the one who sleeps in Vainkuntha.

    I understand that your conception of Krishna is much different from mine.That's because you are going by the path of devotion. There is also a path of knowledge.

    Those who travel by the path of knowledge will accept that Krishna is formless.

    Meditating on Krishna as the formless is as joyful as worshiping him with a form.

    If you like to have a taste of it. Please read my poem "brimming space."

    We can share our ideas. But we can't insist that only our understanding is correct.

    If you have any doubt in what I am telling, you just ask Krishna and see. He will tell you that I am correct!

    I am not satisfied with all his miracles.And all the stories about his glories!I keep demanding explanations. And he tirelessly makes me understand. He is a loving teacher! Isn't he? :)

  18. It is clearly stated in the Bhagwat Geeta that "Vaasudeva sarvam iti"; so, He is not formless.

    Henceforth, I will refrain from commenting on your posts on my Krishna, because your and my spiritual values are very different.


  19. Many saints who chose the path of devotion too have sung of Krishna as the formless one!

  20. I appreciate your devotion on Krishna Ayesha...

    Why get dissappointed over trivial statements...:)

    I will be glad, if you keep coming back for more arguments! :)

  21. Wonderful Shri.........,awesome work my friend.Keep the good work.Jai Shri Ram

  22. Thanks Prasad...I know U will like this!

  23. Dear Ramesh,
    After after an extremely busy schedule in the company of my son,my daughter in law and our two,
    granddaughters who had come on a holiday I got time to go thro your poem on Shri Krishna's Birth only a little while back and hence the delay in airing my views on the same.
    Quite frankly the poem is amazing and it made me so spellbound that
    I wish "My Tongue could utter tho Thoughts that arise in me".The more I read your writings the more I admire you.Very well done Ramesh. Keep it up.Baiyu

  24. Dear Ramesh,
    After an extremely busy schedule in the company of our son,our Daughter in Law and the two loving Grand daughters who had come on a holiday from London,I got time to go thro' your poem on 'Shri Krishna's Birth' only a little while back .Hence the delay in my airing my views on the same.

    The poem is truely amazing and made me so spell bound that to quote a poet of Yester years "I wish my tongue could utter the thoughts that arise in me".

    Excellent Ramesh.I confess more I read your writings,more I admire you .Well done. Keep it up.


  25. Dear Ramesh,
    After an extremely busy schedule in the company of our son,our Daughter in Law and the two loving Grand daughters who had come on a holiday from London,I got time to go thro' your poem on 'Shri Krishna's Birth' only a little while back .Hence the delay in my airing my views on the same.

    The poem is truely amazing and made me so spell bound that to quote a poet of Yester years "I wish my tongue could utter the thoughts that arise in me".

    Excellent Ramesh.I confess more I read your writings,more I admire you .Well done. Keep it up.


  26. Dear Sir,

    Thank you so much for this wonderful appreciation. I feel very encouraged.

    I knew you would like this one.

    Hearty wishes,

  27. It's truly awesome. How could I have missed this poem earlier.

  28. Really it's heart touching we are so proud of you brother.
