Saturday, March 13, 2010

Rama encounters Parashurama!

This post is a sequel to one of my previous posts, Sita weds Rama.

Sita and Rama were newly wed
From Mithila to Ayodhya, they did tread
On the way they encountered a Man
Terror to the ones born of Kshatriya clan

He stood on the way of the marriage procession
Drawing everyone's sight with fearful attention
Fiery eyes! And hands on his hip
Angry words came from his lip

"Who is Rama? I like to see
Whose praise is sung across every sea
Nothing has He achieved, though
Killing a woman and breaking a bow!"

King Dasaratha went and fell at his feet
And spoke some words, humble and sweet
"My son Rama is a little one
This anger on Him, thou must shun"

The angry man paid no heed
"To see Rama, is all I need
Stop you King, your cowardly talk
In front of me, Rama must walk!"

There stood Rama in front of Him
In the angry man's eyes, awe did brim
Rama's presence appeased his heart
And brought in him the following thought

'This guy Rama is cool and calm
Meets my standards of a Prince's norm
In spite of success, He is humble and warm
To my anger on princes, He is a soothing balm'

Though his heart spoke in favour of Rama
He did decide to continue the Drama
"So thou art Rama, celebrating premature success
And undeserved glory that you earned in excess"

"Success! Glory! They come and go
For such trivial things I take not my bow"
Taken aback by Rama's smile and reply
He wanted to smile but did not comply

"The bow that you broke was old and worn
The bow in my hand is better and strong
String this bow and fight with me
The worth of thy glory, let me see!"

"Fight over might is ugly and small
To animal nature, should we fall?"

"Throw those words in the old dust bin
And get into action or loose your kith and kin"

"If thus be thy stance then I am in delight!
I'll show you how bitter it is to fight"
Saying thus, Shri Rama did what was right
Got the bow from His challenger and strung it tight

Seeing Shri Rama do that with ease
Parasurama for a moment did freeze
He then came back to his normal senses
And apologised for all his verbal offenses

"Shri Rama, thou not an ordinary being
Forgive me for all the verbal misgiving"
But by then Rama had fixed an arrow
For retrieving that chances were zero

"I accept your apologies which are earnest and true
What about this arrow? Give me a clue!
I do not wish to kill a master like you
I can give you a choice, pick one of the two
Shall I make you immobile for ever?
Or shall I take all your spiritual power?"

"Sitting in one place is anymore bore
For the rest of my life, I'll be on tour!
I give you my powers with all my heart
Then with your consent, I shall depart"

Shri Rama shot the arrow at him
Which cut off all his powers trim
Disappeared into his body without a trace
And added his powers to Rama's grace

Parasurama felt no defeat at this
He realised the truth as it is
And was relieved from all worldly affair
Now it was Rama's job to continue repair

Rama and Parasurama understood each other
Rama and Parasurama admired each other
Rama and Parasurama took leave of each other
Rama's marriage procession proceeded further!

To read the following sequel, click here.


  1. Nice to read you after such a long time. Truly a wonderful story poem.Very informative indeed. I am glad. Thank you.

  2. Thank you Venus. For reading and so soon and liking it.

  3. seeing your blog alive after so much time! nice to hear from you after so long!! how are you man? howz everythng?

  4. I am fine Parv! Took a dive within myself hence had to disappear from online for quite sometime. :)

    All iizz well :)
