Sunday, July 10, 2011

Six Words Celebration of Lord Rama.

Lord Rama is standard for sanity.
Lord Rama is dictionary for goodness.
Lord Rama spoke with chosen words.
Lord Rama forgot what he gave.
Lord Rama never spoke a lie.
Rama spent his income benefitting all.
Lord Rama spent time with elderly.
Rama loved Sita, more than life.
Lord Rama isn't annoyed by criticism.
Rama responds, not reacts, to criticism.
Rama gives time to amend mistakes.
Rama fought not to prove might.
Rama is loving yet very strict.
When Rama ruled miseries took leave.
When Rama rules miseries take leave.
Lord Rama supports fulfilling desires honestly.
Chanting Rama's name was Gandhiji's strength.
Rama means bestower of unlimited joy.
I worship Rama to understand Him.
Worshiping Lord Rama's feet liberates soul.
Singing Rama's glories gives me joy.
I like to live like Rama.
Devotee of Rama has no needs.

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