Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's day thoughts

I don't have anything for or against Valentine's day. If I had a girl, I would definitely celebrate it. I don't have one and therefore I don't celebrate it. I've never been in a two way relationship. Yet, I have many love stories in my life. All stories have ended at the courtship level. And the jist of the stories has always been the same.

A girl would seem to be interested in me. Believing which I would take step. She would all on a sudden seem interested on some one else, or at least, not so interested in me. It would turn me off and I would put an end to taking steps. But I always, at the bottom of the heart, would hope that if the girl truly loved me, either she would wait for me or would try talking to me.

Not a single girl did that and therefore I've been very single. (I am not blaming any one here.) But if you think I'm feeling unlucky or sad about it, you're wrong. I've realised that this misfortune is actually a blessing in disguise.

I've been enjoying my bachelor life like a lion that roams free in the wild. I never had to report myself to anyone. I could go to a movie wearing a wrinkled shirt. I didn't have to settle down in a job that I really didn't like. I could admire women's beauty without being guilty of being unfaithful. I've smoked like a train without anyone to question me and I've roamed all around the city by walk not caring to buy a bike or hire an auto. Bachelor's life is a no worry period in a man's life and I am so glad that I could prolong it thus far.

Meanwhile, I've realised that there is no such thing as 'True Love.' Everyone's love/crush/infatuation/interest is like a shrub. If time and environment favour it, it grows into a tree and stands for ever.

There was a time I was looking for a girl who truly loves me. Then, there came a time when I was waiting for a girl who was destined to live with me. But now, I am not anymore waiting for anyone. I'm happy single. I know this freedom would soon be snatched away and therefore I would enjoy this freedom to the fullest, as I always have. Also, there wouldn't be any Love episodes in my life. Straight away, it would be marriage. It would be more than enough for me, if my parents choose the girl and I see her for the first time on the day of my marriage!

I am truly a Hanuman! Ain't I? Jai Shri Ram! Jai Jai Shri Ram!!

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