Friday, April 25, 2014

The Grand Ugly Farce

Election is the biggest superstition mankind has ever had. It wouldn't have been so if these elections have been conducted to ask the people, 'what is right?'. But funnily, these elections keep asking the people who is right? And the people too tirelessly, sincerely and honestly keep trying different answers every time this question is asked.

What they do not realise is that they are being asked to choose between their right hand and the left hand. They either choose their right hand to work for them or their left hand to work for them. By which they, then and there, are loosing 50% percent of the potential they really have, to work for them.

The people do not want this person's Govt or that person's Govt. The people need a People Serving Govt.

A bombastic load of money has been spent to decide whether Rahul Gandhi or Narendra Singh Modi is a better person!

But sadly, this money is not spent from either of their pockets. This money is being spent from the people's pocket. So the question this election asks should not be who is better? But the question must be, 'what is better'?

And what is better is, Rahul and NaMo stopping their dispute over who is better and sitting together, putting their minds together and start thinking about what is better.

No political party has a right to say that, it is the only party that can do good for this country.Nor can they say, they will not unite together and form an All Party United Govt. Because only in an united Govt, instead of disputing over who is best to rule the people, the rulers will start discussing about what is best for the people. And only on such a day, when politicians giving up their personal agendas come together and start thinking silently about what can be done for the common man on the roads and fields, can we truly hope for democracy to win.

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