Friday, May 15, 2020

Indrajeeth's Deciet and defeat

Ravana sent Kumban to fight in the field
A mace as his weapon, he did wield
He charged at the monkey army, killing many
Sugriva killed him with a rock, without delaying, any

Nikumban came to war following Kumban
He used weapons, like words used by Kamban
Hanuman jumped in fury and, Nikumban, he killed
He always achieved easily, what ever he willed

Hearing all the bad news, Ravan was vexed
He sent Makarakshan, to go to war next
Makarakshan with confidence, his muscles he flexed
Lord Rama, with his arrows, erased him like a text
Indrajeeth then came to the battle field
A sword on his hands, he did wield
On the other hand Mother Sita, He did hold
And cut off her neck with an expression cold

Ram, Lakshman and Hanuman were devastated on seeing that
Vibhishana did not let them to drown in sorrow, but
He gave uplifting explanations, only he could
Decoding tricks by Rakshashas, only he would

"Rama, Lakshman and Hanuman, please don't worry
Tricks done by Indrajeeth are one and many
He did not kill Mother Sita, but a look alike
Killing Mother Sita, Ravana will not like"

Anyway I can go to Lanka and check on Mother
Till I retrurn with good news, please don't bother"
Saying so Vibhisheena went to Lanka and confirmed
That Mother Sita was well, and to Rama, He affirmed

Rama's dwindling enthusiasm was then on rise
Vibhishana for helping Him, He did praise
With Mother Sita, the rakshashas played a similar trick
Created an illusion that Rama was dead, and made her sick

Trijada, Vibhishana's daughter, explained things to her
Trijada to Mother Sita, in cold times, was like a fur
Trijada had seen in Her dream, Mother Sita's future
That Rama would come, and relieve her from this torture

"Rama and Lakshman came on an elephant, dressed in white
Sita was sitting on a hill, also dressed in white
Rama lifted Her and placed her on the tusker's neck
This dream will soon come to reality, I do spec

Sita touched the moon with her beautiful hands
From her neck did hang, pearl and gold strand
Ravana was dressed in red, and was pulled by donkeys south
Oil, from his cupped hands, Ravana drank with his mouth

Rakshashas believe in lying and deceit
Do not think Rama would face defeat
Shri Rama will come for you
Wait for days, numbers few"

Trijada and Sarama were two Rakshashis, good
Comforting Mother Sita, they always did
The other Rakshashis kept torturing Mother
Trying to keep Her in fear and in bother

After creating an impression like Mother Sita was killed
To do a yagna in Nikumbala, Indrajeeth willed
Vibhishana informed Lord Rama about Indrajeeth's plan
 If Indrajeeth completes the ritual, to win him, nobody can

Lord Rama send forth Lakshmana to stop the ritual
Such rituals by rakshashas was, by them, habitual
Indrajeeth must not complete his ritual this time
This ritual for Indrajeeth was very prime

While Indrajeeth was pouring Ghee to fire as fuel
Lakshman with Vibhishana went there and called him for duel
Indrajeeth regretted for not being able to complete the ritual
But getting into a fight for him was habitual

Indrajeeth and Lakshman entered a fight
Both trying to excel, each other in might
Lakshman had an upper hand through out the fight
He fought with the confidence that he was always right

At one point Lakshman took up an arrow
Rama's strength, with a prayer, he did borrow
"If my brother Rama has never uttered a lie
Indrajeeth, by this arrow, must be hit and die

Saying so Lakshman shot that arrow
Indrajeeth fell to it like a sparrow
Vibhishan and Hanuman, jumped in joy
And carried Lakshman on their shoulders like a boy

Lord Rama was happy, happy beyond measure
Hugged Lakshman to his chest, like he was a treasure
Thus victorious Lakshman was hugged by Ram
Jai Shri Ram! Jai Jai Shri Ram!!

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