Saturday, May 9, 2020

Vibhishana's Surrender

To talk with Ravan, Vibhishan did approach
Not ever fearing that Ravana would reproach
Good thoughts to Ravana, Visbhishan wanted to say
Ravana from his evil path, Vibhishan wanted to sway

"Dear Ravan, My King and my beloved brother
The path that you walk, makes me bother
You have casted your eyes upon another man's wife
I am afraid this will lead to the end of your life

From the day Sita came here,
Very bad omens do appear
I'm afraid you're leading Lanka to destruction
Please do pay heed to Maliyavan's instruction"

"I do not care about your superstitious belief
From your lady like talk, give me some relief
I may be a philanderer
But Rama is just a wanderer

How do you think, my death will come
Let there be in your talk, logic, some
With a mighty army, I am a king
To a bow and some arrows, Rama does cling

How do you think Rama will kill me
I have got a boon for a long life to be"
Saying so, Ravana held Vibhishana in disregard
Vibhishana expressed His difference,in this regard

"You think your boons can save you
But you also got a curses very few
Remember the sad story of Hiranya, now
Consider what happened to Him, I do bow"

Hiranya got some boons, not to be killed
By Humans, animals or Devas, even of they willed
But Narasimma appeared before Him
And killed Him, with just a whim"

"You have not got boons that protect you from men
But you have got a curse, from Anaranyan then
That a Hero who comes in his lineage would kill you
Not just that curse, you've got more curses, numbers few"

"Nandhi, the vehicle of Lord Shiva, has said a curse
That your death would be caused by animal's ofcourse
Vedhavathi while dying, has cursed you
That she would take rebirth and come to kill you"

"I am afraid that Sita, is that Vedhavathi's form
Come here to kill you, following a chaste woman's norm"
Ravan got angry and at Vibhishan, he did yell
Angry words towards Vibhishan, Ravan did tell

"I would've killed that monkey, but you stopped me
Lanka was completely burned, by that monkey
Who was the reason for Lanka to burn
It was you, who talked out of turn"

"Now shut up and get lost, I won't pay heed
Bravery not cowardice, is the moment's need
I will kill you now, If you anymore talk
Out of my eyesight, please you do walk"

To convince Ravan otherwise, Vibhishan, a little more, tried
But to insult Vibhishan a little more, wicked Ravana vied
Vibhishan's self-respect did not allow him to be there anymore
Vibhishan thoughtfully decided not to live in Lanka anymore

Vibhishan walked out, with four of his friends
Realising Ravan was at the verge of his ends
Vibhishana with His friends, flew across the sea
And they came to the shore, for Rama to see

Vibhishan approached Rama with a surrenderer's norm
Worship unto Rama's Feet, Vibhishan did perform
Rama's praises and name, Vibhishana did sing
On the path of Surrender, Vibhishana did cling

"I am very much hesitant, to accept Vibhishan
Ravan, in his tough times, Vibhishan did shun
Such a brother on our side, how could we trust
Shun him and play safe, we should now, must"

His doubts about Vibhishan, Sugriva so said
Towards Hanuman for opinion, Lord Rama turned His head
"Vibhishan protected my life, in Ravana's court
From Ravan killing me, He stood for me like a fort"

"Also for Mother Sita, when I earlier searched
Worshipping Vishnu in his house, I saw him perched
He can be trusted, Therefore I think
Doubts about his character, we must now shrink"

"Those who come to me in Surrender
Doubts on them will be broken asunder
I will accept them, as my very own
As my relative they will be known"

Saying so Lord Rama, accepted pious Vibhishan
Anyone who surrenders, Rama would not shun
To accept anyone who comes in surrender, is the policy of Ram
Jai Shri Ram! Jai Jai Shri Ram!!

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