Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Inspiration Incarnate

Like Hanuman is to Shri Rama

Like Arjuna, to Shri Krishna

Like Mother Teresa is to Jesus Christ

So are you to Lord Ramakrishna

Playful and naughty as a child

A tiger’s friend in the wild

A doubting Thomas in front of your teacher

The all knowing wise one as a preacher

Religion to you, was not just a notion

Reason and logic were your ultimate passion

In religious beliefs you saw intellectual reason

Shattering senseless talk and atheistic treason

Like the candle that melts when fire is near

You melted with love, for the needy and poor

Poverty of people made you cry

Until your tear glands went out dry

Like an empty vessel that enters the lake

You went to your Guru with a thirst to take

Like the filled bucket that comes from the well

You came from your guru with so much to tell

Hanuman carried a mountain, across an ocean

You, your guru’s word across every nation

You swam across the sea where oceans meet

You traveled nations giving spiritual treat

Handsome and stylish, you walked with charm

And bore the sweetest smile, always warm

With eyes that emitted divine light

To people you were an awesome sight

You lost yourself in meditation

You molded yourself with dedication

You looked upon your guru with devotion

And to your lucky disciples with compassion

Sometimes you were moody and thoughtful

Sometimes you were funny and playful

Is that how you won Mother Saradha’s heart?

Who always pampered, your action and thought

Astounding as an orator

Profound as a creator

Inspiration is thy name

Inspiration is thy form

In music you had a golden hand

Your guru, to it, was a hard core fan

In Chicago, you made a mighty stand

Towards India, you made the world’s vision pan

In a few seconds you could read a book

This left your questioner aghast and shook

A perfect demonstration of your mental skill

A simple reflection of your collected will

You have proved your skill as a flawless shooter

You live in my heart as a moral booster

Whenever I get mentally sick and depressed

Your words of courage make me refreshed

In you I see a positive power

Which your words and poses always shower

Your very sight makes me flower

And makes me want, to be a spiritual tower

There is so much in life I got from you

I should give my life to repay the due

I know I can’t do anything new

What more can I do than worshiping you?

Your guru was like the deepest ocean

He made you stand like the tallest mountain

We youngsters climb, with all our might

Hoping to reach half your height

Thirty nine years you lived on this earth

Three thousands years it will talk your worth

Like a lightning, you came and went

In youngster’s hearts you left a dent

The world was not always sweet to you

You were definitely not among the lucky few

With courage and faith you made your mark

With the boldest fonts on history’s bark



  1. Great trubute to my BIG brother, and India's spiritual giant on His birthday. Excellent piece of work. There is an innocence and childish love in your words...I really admired it. Excellent'na!

    The title INSPIRATION INCARNATE is amazing! gives me goosebumps!

  2. Hi Mani,

    So soon you've read the poem. Thanks. I am glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, Swamiji is truly our big brother.

  3. Its so nice to read a heartfelt dedication to Swami Vivekanada. Indeed ours is a Blessed land

  4. Hi Shri, a wonderful tribute. The title suits well. Loved the poem much. Thank you.
    Hope you are doing pretty good back there. Take care.

  5. Hi,
    It's very pleasing.
    Hoping my heart too follow suit, overflowing with such words from the its very core.

  6. Hi...
    Beautifully poignant, and beautifully expressed poem. Its so nice to read a heartfelt dedication to Swami Vivekanada.

  7. #Resonator
    Hi Prema, Thanks. Nice to see your comments again.

    Hi Bhaw.I guessed you would enjoy this one. Yes, Our Land is truly blessed.

    Hi Venus, I am doing quite well here.Just that I am not able to post and comment as frequently as before. Thanks for your love and affection. You make me feel special and loved. Thanks. About the title, Yeah Swamiji is truly an Inspiration Incarnate. So many times his words have instilled refreshing vigour in me.

    Hi Mohan, Welcome to my blog. How nice to receive a comment on a post on Swami Vivekananda from someone who relishes The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.

    # Femin Susan,
    Hi Susan, Thanks for enjoying my poem.

  8. Hai Ramesh,
    Your poem "Inspiration Incarnate" is a masterpiece to say the least.I find it hard to express myself in words.Well done.Keep it up.-------Baiyu

  9. Wow RS, that was a great poem!
    Not sure why such thinkers are not well-recognised in the country?

  10. Hi Shri, how are you?
    Where have you been?

  11. #MIP

    Hello Sir, Thank you so much for those encouraging words. I feel great.

    Hi Sal, Thanks. The country has definitely recognised him. (His B'day has been announced as the Youth Day in India) Its just the people. All are not good enough to recognise him.

    Hi Venus. I am doing a short film on a painting competition conducted by Sri Ramakrishna Mission, Chennai. It has kept me busy. Still two or three more days of work left.

  12. Wonderful execution of words, Ramesh u'r Really Shri Ramesh ........Keep the nice work always.....

  13. I am fine. Thank you. Hope the very same with you. All the best in your work. Keep up your good work. Take care, Shri.

  14. #Venus
    Hi Venus, That's nice. I am fine here. Thank you.

    Hi Kumaresh Thanks.

    Venus and Kumaresh, Sorry for my delay in replying. I was carried away by some other thoughts.

  15. ''Like Hanuman is to Shri Rama''
    I feel the same when I think about Swamiji.
    While I was reading this poem I wondered whether you were also with him as student of Ramakrishna!

    ''Sometimes you were moody and thoughtful
    Sometimes you were funny and playful
    Is that how you won Mother Saradha’s heart?''
    The above brought smile in my face as it brought me the thoughts of Lord Hanuman.

    Very nice poem!

    I felt you as little Vivekanada while I was reading your post about the water problem in your mansion.Honestly I thought 'if Vivekananda is alive he would do the same as Ramesh'. :)

  16. Ha ha ha!

    Thanks for the elaborate comment and thinking of me as Little Vivekanandha! Whether I deserve or not I feel really happy!

    No wonder those lines made u think of Lord Hanuman. I know who is Mother Saradha here... :)

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