Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Puppet Rebels!

Hare Krishna...

You are the creator!
I am the created!
Anything that is Good in me
It is your credit!
Anything that is Bad in me
It is your fault!

Your are the manufacturer!
I am the product!
Anything that is effective in me
It is your credit!
Anything that is defective in me
It is your defect!

I am the incapable!
You are the capable!

I am just a nothing!
And you are everything!

I, is an Illusion!
You are the reality!

You are The One!
I am a Zero!

Accept all the merits I have!
Accept all the flaws I have!
Take away all the pride in me!
Take away all the guilt in me!

I don't want a head,
swollen with pride!
I don't want a heart,
crushed with guilt!

Don't attribute values to me!
Positive, they may be!
Negative, they may be!
Let me be, just a Zero!

Don't immerse me in dualities!
Pleasure, they may be!
Pain, they may be!
Let me be, just free!

I am just a puppet!
You are the puppeteer!

Please cut off all the strings
that you've tied unto me!
Let me be, just free!

Take away all the fame!
Take away all the shame!
Please stop your Leela with me!
I am no more game!


  1. A wonderful poem you have written. Very meaningful.May your wish come true.Take care Shri.

  2. It is the wish of every spiritual person be free! To be free from dualities! I liked the poem. As Venus said, it's very meaningful.

    Don't immerse me in dualities!
    Pleasure, they may be!
    Pain, they may be!
    Let me be, just free!

    Very beautiful lines anna :-)


  3. Very very spiritual poem.Only the person who surrendered 100% only can write like this.
    While I was reading this poem your ''letter to God'' also came in my mind.

    I like the following very much.I really don't know how to express my feeling in words:
    'Take away all the fame!
    Take away all the shame!
    Please stop your Leela with me!
    I am no more game''


  4. Dear Mary,
    Thank you so much! I hope my wish comes true soon!And same to you. :)

    Dear Mani,
    Thanks a lot Mani! I am glad you liked it!Cheers!

    Dear Niru,
    Ah, Thanks for understanding that these are words of the surrendered one and not really the rebellious one!

    Thanks for remembering my writings this much! I am very happy about it and feeling inspired too!

  5. Simply beautiful...and spiritually enlightened...

    Namaste to you:)


  6. Dear Cyrus,

    Welcome here, Thank you so much!
    Please do visit often.

    Namaste :)

  7. Wonderful oem Ramesh.. Happy to read this...

    Couple of question though - why do you want to cut the strings that are held by Him? And can we ever be free of Him? :))


  8. Dear Vish,

    Thanks for the appreciation and questions!

    Let me answer the second question first.

    Can we ever be free of him?

    You would have seen most kids crying and fighting to go back home when taken to school on the first day.

    They actually rebel against their parents!
    Not to be free of them.
    But to be free with them!

    They want to go home and be with their mom and dad. They dont want school.

    My rebellion is also such a kind.

    I don't rebel to be free of him.
    I rebel to be free with him!

    I don't want to be caught up in this creation of dualities! Sometimes laugh, sometimes cry, sometimes pleasure, sometimes pain...
    I want to be free!

    And U know, the only place we can be free of this! :)

    First question,
    why do you want to cut the strings that are held by Him?

    Because with these strings tied upon you, U can never be soaked in bliss!

    Though even now I do taste that joy.
    It is just a spoonful I get.

    I want to be soaked in bliss like Ramana, like Buddha...

    It is possible only after cutting of those strings!

    I am incapable.
    I cannot cut them off.
    He is capable.
    But does not cut them off!

    Hence I rebel!


  9. Nice response Ramesh... I can 'feel' the intensity of your feelings....


  10. very nice anna... :)

    I wish all your wishes to come true :)

  11. Dear Prabhu,

    Welcome to my blog. Thanks for the comment.

    I see you are new to blogger, Welcome again for that.

    Happy blogging.

    Pls do visit my pages often.


  12. very bful lines by you!! it was a wonderful poem and an absolute pleasure reading it!

  13. Dear Ramesh,
    An excellent poem well knit with selective choice words. I really enjoyed reading it.
    Having said above,I have a small suggestion to make.You have shown such a maturity thro' a wide rangine of your writings that I feel you will express your thoughts equally well if you attempt to move out of Dwaithism
    to venture on Adwaithism.
    What do you say?Why don't you try?

  14. Dear Sir,

    I am glad you liked this poem.

    Thanks for the question sir, I will share my thoughts.

    I have come a long way from being an atheist. I have tasted Adwaithism too, in this process.

    This song itself is an outcome of my involvement in both Adwaithism and Dwaithism.

    Right now my concentration is Greatly increased and stands focused on Lord Rama.

    By thinking of Lord Rama my Kundalini stays in the anahatha chakra (the chakra in the heart- for those who don't know) giving me great Bliss and Joy.

    I am tasting it right now.

    Because this Joy is so great, I do sit and chant Rama nama closing my eyes forgetting everything including Rama.

    I like to be like Hanumanji always tasting the joy of Rama nama. I cannot really express the joy I get out of it.

    Kabir says,
    The dumb has eaten the sweet-meat.
    Unable to express his joy,
    he just smiles!

    :) I am in such a state.

    I don't want to move out completely to Adwaithism.

    Because I feel by always chanting the Rama nama my concentration will go on keep increasing and at one point when the right time comes, hopefully I can merge with God and become one.

  15. The poem brings out beautifully the cravings of a devootee wanting to be liberated.Ramesh,you express your thoughts so well in apt words.

  16. I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^
