Saturday, November 14, 2009

Friendship Thoughts

Among the many good qualities of Lord Rama, there are quiet a few qualities I have never been able to imbibe till today. I hope writing this article will help me remember and imbibe them in future.

"Rama did not react to harsh words spoken by others. Rama, because of his good bent of mind, felt glad even by a small good deed done to Him and never remembered the many bad things done to him."

But I, on the contrary have exactly the opposite nature. (may be that's why I am attracted to Lord Rama. Opposites attract isn't it?)

People don't even speak harsh to me. But still I react. Even for small things I get disappointed with people and jump into decisions of disconnecting the relationship. They wouldn't even have intended to hurt me. But I do imagine lot of intentions behind their innocent act and create a big fuss about silly things. Also when someone has been good to me for long and disappointed me at one instance again I jump into this disconnecting-relationship decisions forgoing all the good things the person has done to me.

"If some one is disappointed or angry with Rama, Rama identifies the reason and rectifies it instead of being offended by the anger."

Here, I am the one who is getting angry and disappointed. My good hearted friends are the ones who try to identify the reason and rectify it. :(

I have been thinking about this. What is the use of singing His praise all the time and not imbibing any of His qualities? Anyhow, I do console myself that it is only because of singing His praise all the time, some good people come my way and help me realise my mistakes. It is only because of chanting His name all the time that I have been able to be heedful to such people and rectify my mistakes.

Thanks to all my friends out there who have pulled me back into friendship by overlooking my childish behaviour and for still being my friends. (Really, this is not for one person but for a bunch of good hearts out there.)

This doesn't mean that I will never disconnect relationships hereafter. But I will take time, try to understand the person and then decide about whether holding on to the relationship or not. Also, I think I must take enough time before accepting someone as my friend in my heart.


  1. It's a good post from you.Forgive and forget the mistakes of the past is the beauty of friendship.To forgive is to use the power of love within. Take care.

  2. lovely post ramesh! good going!! u will imbibe all the qualities of Lord Rama if u keep going like this!!

  3. Thank you brother! Yeah, I hope too! Planning to come with more thoughts like that as a part of self-rejuvenation.

  4. Blessed are those who retrospect. They are already on the path of evolution. Great Going,Ramesh.Good post.

  5. it will be really difficult to follow the footsteps of Lord Rama.. he was way above us humans... all we can do is keep learning from our mistakes.. :)

    and this is another nice post :)

  6. Hi Shri, your visit and words are much appreciated.Please smile.:)

  7. Dear Hema,
    Yes u r true. I do realise humbly that I am blessed. Thanks for ur encouraging words. :)

  8. Dear Kanagu,
    U r correct. All we can do is learn from Him. He was at the peak of Goodness, most of us are in the valley. I am sure we too can reach the peak sooner or later keeping him as our role model and chanting his name always.

  9. Dear Venus,
    I know u will always appreciate my words. :)

    Why please smile? Am I the famous Narasimha Rao?

  10. Nice post as usual Ramesh. All of us have defects and very few of us realise it. Most of us think of ourselves as perfection personified while there was and will only be one "Purushottam" and that is our dear Lord Rama.

    I am really glad that you have shown us a way to work towards perfection by thinking of and contemplating on the great qualities of our Lord. Only if we constantly do that, as you have done, will some of it rub off on us.

    Due to our past tendencies, we may continue to falter and commit errors even while intellectually knowing it. The way, as you have rightly pointed out, to get rid of our defects is to constantly remember and chant the names of our Lord.


  11. Ramesh,

    This was a wonderful post and very insightful. You looked at yourself in a very truthful way. Many people fear seeing the own work they need to do on the path of enlightenment.

    Your fear makes you respond the way you, you must have been hurt or teased as a little boy so you have big reactions. It is completely understandable. I cradle your heart in it's fear.

    You are stronger than this fear. You are now a man and Lord Rama is helping you release the chains of EGO.

    You are beautiful!

    Much love to you!

  12. Hello Stacey,

    Thanks for your thoughtful comment. U r correct, 100%. Some elders did try to show their dominance on me.As and when I grew, I got angry and shouted back. They started to keep quiet. I learnt this wrong lesson of getting angry. Now I am unlearning it. :)

  13. Meditate often on the teachings and you shall find great personal fulfilment...:)

    Blessings to you, brother!:)



  14. Hello brother,

    Yeah, nothing is more fulfilling than realizing our mistakes and correcting them.

    Namaste to you and your beloveds!


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