Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Smile of God!

Drenched by a shower
This cute little flower
Smiled at me warmly!

Not a word did it utter
Nor did it mutter
But taught me a lesson calmly!

"The weather does palter
My spirit does not falter
Heat and cold alter
I look not for a shelter

I know my precious life is too brief
I do not want to spend it in grief
I make use of this little while
By bearing the best possible smile

My smile is for both good and bad
Hoping to make men not look sad
Giving joy to men like you
Inspiring them to write Haiku

My smile is for all, alike
Not a soul, I do not like
Rich and poor; Honest and fraud
For, I am the little smile of God."

Story behind the poem:
Last weekend was a rainy one. After the rain subsided I took a few photos of the wet atmosphere and mailed them to one of my best friends and a co-blogger, Venuss66 She liked them and suggested me to try writing a poem for one of them. Though I blinked for a moment, by the grace of Lord Rama, I could come up with this one. To visit her poetry blog, click here. To view the other few photos, click here.

Dear Venus,
Thanks for initiating me to write this poem. If you hadn't asked, I wouldn't have written this. So you are the reason behind this poem. Thanks for that.


  1. Nice poem.It goes well with the picture.I am glad. Thank you. Write more.Take care.:)

  2. Meaningful poem, well written.We have lots to learn from nature like Avadhuta who derived his lessons from observing their way of living. He had 24 teachers.-Uddhava Gita.

  3. Hello Hema,
    Welcome to my blog. Thanks for the visit and comment.

    Yeah, we have to be like Avadhuta. That chapter is one of my favorites from Krishna's wisdom.

  4. Nice poem Ramesh
    and the photo looks real good

  5. I love your poem. It is delightful...truly delightful. Many gifts come through you.

    much love

  6. I know my precious life is too brief
    I do not want to spend it in grief

    bful poetry... lovely and soul inspiring!!

  7. I loved these words...I read them many times...thank you so much brother for sharing them with us all...A great pic too!

    Namaste to you and family.


  8. Dear Stacey,
    I am happy to hear this poem delighted you. I wish to delight you much more. :)

  9. Dear Parv,

    Those two lines are my favourite too. Thank you so much. :)

  10. Dear Cyrus,
    I am so satisfied to hear that you read this poem many times.
    Thank you very much brother.

    Namaste!! :)

  11. Hi Shri, thank you for your words and visit.Yes, I value friendship a lot.
