Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sita Weds Rama.

That which witnesses every cause
And That which performs without a pause
Were born on this earth to be Husband and Wife
Wishing to lead a human life
Both were born with a silver spoon
Both grew up like the sun and moon
Of course, they were in different places
One not knowing the other's traces
Time had come for them to unite again
And to be partners in life's pleasure and pain
Sage Vishwamitra entered the scene
And demanded The Sun to wipe darkness, clean!
The little Sun walked with His bow and arrow
And wiped off all the ascetics' sorrow
Amazed by the Prince's fight
The sage thanked Him for ending the plight
"You have indeed performed a mighty feat!
I would like to gift you a lifetime treat"
Saying this, the sage started to walk
The prince followed him without a talk!
On the way, was a good old rock
Which, among the fauna, was a laughing stock!
Some dust from the princes feet, on it did fall
And lo! There arose a woman beauteous and tall!
"You have released me off my husband's curse
For an act, I had did, ugly and worse"
Saying this thankfully, the woman vanished!
The little prince watched her, astonished.
They walked further and entered a city
Whose people never knew what was pity!
They walked through all its streets and lanes
Admiring eyes peeped through the window panes.
They then entered a palace gate
Which was nothing but, the plan of fate!
Warmly welcomed by the royal host
On that eve, they were the toast.
They were then taken, to see a bow
Which was on dais, kept for show!
It had humbled numerous kings and princes
Who attempted to lift it, to marry the princess!
Our little Prince took it like a piece of cake!
And broke the bow, as though it were fake!
All the witnesses sang hymns of praise
Swept off their feet by the prince's grace!
The Princess arrived there, a divine beauty!
Thinking, 'To serve this prince is my eternal duty'
Her eyes with shyness fixed on His feet
She garlanded Him, with a smile so sweet!
The Gods showered blessings from their divine abode,
Who always served this couple's accord!
Thus were married Sita and Rama
The Divine Duo who play the eternal drama!


  1. What a delightful poem. I loved it!

    much love

  2. Very beautiful anna... Very nicely written and it clearly picturized the things happened :)

  3. Superb poem and fabulous picture of my Lord's marriage... You have made my day !!

  4. Thanks Vish, Your comment has made my day! :)

  5. That is a very tender and sweet poem!
    Loved it.

  6. Thank you Betty. I am glad you liked it.


  7. Beautiful imagination. You are very creative too.:)

  8. very bful description of such an important event!!!

    very bful pictorial description and imagery! well written!!

  9. I really enjoyed your blog! Like you I am also going thru a spiritual journey on my blog, and what you said about anger really resonated with me. You might like my blog. I'm chronicling my yearlong journey through the daily exercises in A Course In Miracles, and many of the concepts are very similar to the ones you write about.

  10. Thank you, Princess. :)

    I'll sure visit your blog.

  11. Superb work Shree....Woderful thing to even imagine shree.....

    Jai SitaRam

  12. it is really pleasant to read this , when trying to find rhyming words , i mostly lose the essence of the subject .
    But you are doing it perfectly ,
    im amazed :)

  13. Thank you Mathi. I am glad you are taking time to read my works. I am very much encouraged. :)
