Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lord Rama's Noble Decision

Rama paid His respects to The King and Queen
On seeing His father’s distress He became keen
“Father! I see from your face that your heart is sore
I have never seen you lie on the floor”

Rama touched His father on the shoulder
The king did not speak and stayed like a boulder
Rama’s radiant face emanated rays of worry
For the state of His father, He felt sorry

He was ready to take up incessant pain
Only to make His father smile again
He was ready to give up His very life
Or never again see His beloved wife

Not knowing what troubles his dad
He looked at Kaikeyi who was not sad
“Mother! Why has father’s face lost its glow?
He has never been like this as far as I know”

Grabbing her chance Kaikeyi spoke
Hitting the bull’s eye at the very first stroke
“Your father’s character has become weak
He has something to tell you but afraid to speak”

“Long ago I helped him win a crucial war
He gifted me two boons for being its star
Today I asked him to grant me my boon
Not willing to grant it, he became silent soon”

“What are those boons, may I ask?
What for my father is such difficult task?”
“I wanted Bharatha to become king at his behest
Sending you, for fourteen years, to a thick forest”

Lord Rama’s mind pictured everything clean
He understood everything as though he had seen
He decided to protect His father’s word
And for fourteen years to be a jungle bird

He thought with compassion in His mind
Which, to every being, was eternally kind
That it was better for his father to remain sad
Rather than failing in a promise and become bad

Therefore He spoke words that were chosen
Without hatred to the one who did the treason
“Mother! Bharatha is far more noble than me
The King of this country, he deserves to be”

“I am glad I could stay in solitude and ease
Amidst the mountains and trees, relishing peace
You could have secured those boons for later use
And, ordered me to do this. Would I refuse?”

“To the deepest jungle, this minute I would run
Keep me in your heart as your eldest son
As, from the day I knew, you always did
As a farewell gift that’s what I would bid”

Kaikeyi did melt on hearing Rama speak
But she thought Rama was trying to make her weak
For the deluded mind always sees rope as snake
Not ever knowing genuine from fake!

Rama was not the one who would fight for a chair
For He knew, one always gets his karma’s share
Whether people fight for things or not
Karma distributes to everyone their allotted lot

Thus Rama decided with a resolute mind
To leave the palace and its luxuries, all behind
And to live in a forest following ascetics’ norm
Jai Shri Ram! Jai Jai Shri Ram!


  1. Looking for the next one.....

  2. Will come soon by Rama's grace.

    Jai Shri Ram!

  3. Very nice..
    //He was ready to take up incessant pain
    Only to make His father smile again //

    //“Mother! Bharatha is far more noble than me
    The King of this country, he deserves to be” //
    These reflects Lord Rama's wonderful it.?

    Jai Sri Ram.!

  4. Yeah.... My Ramayanam is a celebration of Lord Rama's wonderful character.
