Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Slaying Vali

Vali lay in his bed, alongside his wife
Not knowing he was at the end of his life
Vali heard Sugriva, cry out his name
It put Vali, in surprise and shame

Sugriva called out to Vali, challenging the later in fight
Sugriva seemed to have lost, his humility, cowardice and fright
Vali was incensed to an unlimited level
In thoughts of crushing Sugriva, his mind did revel

Vali came out of his palace, running
Blinded by rage, he was not very cunning
He saw Sugriva standing there with hands on his hip
With unbelievable rage, Vali bit his lip

Vali ran towards Sugriva and delivered a tight slap
Sugriva fell on the ground, but his courage did not snap
Sugriva quickly got up from the floor
And a punch on Vali's face, he did score

Vali felt insult more than pain
Fallen by Sugriva's punch, he did regain
His balance within a short time and
Got Sugriva by the neck, with his hand

Both Vali and Sugriva fiercely fought
Insults on each other with words they brought
Each other, their necks with hands they caught
Their bodies entwined like in a knot

Grabbing each other they rolled on the ground
In anger and in pain, they made unlimited sound
For sometime, like equals, they did fight
Sugriva started to feel, things are not right

It soon became clear, that Vali had the upper hand
And that, Vali's attacks, Sugriva could not stand
While Vali was focused in the fight
Sugriva looked around for Rama, within his sight

With Vali beating him left and right
And Lord Rama nowhere seen at sight
Sugriva decided to give up on the fight
And from the fighting scene, he took flight

Sugriva ran ran and ran to his safety spot
Sage Madhanga's ashram was the only place he got
To enter that place Vali did not dare
So Sugriva ran there for his own welfare

Vali went back to his palace
About Sugriva, he was callous
He was happy he won
He thought Sugriva was done

Sugriva on the other hand, was very angry with Rama
Not understanding, the unexpected twist in the drama
Rama had promised Sugriva, that Vali would be slain
And Sugriva trusted Him, without any disdain

Sugriva already knew of Vali's strength
He explained about it to Rama, at great length
But Rama convinced him that Vali can be killed
With a single arrow, if Rama willed

Rama wanted Sugriva to challenge Vali and fight
And promised to kill Vali, once time is right
Sugriva innocently expressed his fear
Rama assured him that Vali's death is near

Rama threw afar, dhundhubi's carcass, with his single toe
Rama shot seven Sala trees standing in a row
Only after being reassured by Rama thus
Sugriva agreed to, at Vali's gate, create fuss

Sugriva never desired to become king
Nor killing Vali, to him, was a feasible thing
All Sugriva wanted, was his fear dispelled
And that in personal life, he happily excelled

Lord Rama was the one who promised him kingdom
And also from fear of Vali, total freedom
Sugriva had his doubts about Lord Rama's strength
Rama had to try, to convince Sugriva, a greater length

Dhundhubi was one of Vali's enemies, in the past
Vali thrashed him and made him, breathe his last
Vali then threw Dhundhubi's body very far
Affirming, with Vali's strength, none can be at par

Dhundhubi's dead body, near Mathanga's Ashram, fell
Enraged by that, a curse, Sage Mathanga did spell
"Dirtying this place, whoever threw this dead body here
His head shall burst, if he comes to this place or anywhere near"

Fearing that curse, Mighty Vali, stayed away from that place
Sugriva took respite there, whenever for his life, he had to race
Now, beaten by Vali, Sugriva did the same
He ran to this place, forgoing anger and shame

Lord Rama, Lakshmana and Hanuman followed Sugriva there
For Surgiva's welfare, they three, sincerely did care
On seeing Lord Rama, Sugriva turned away his face
His face showed, without concealment, anger's trace

"Lord! That I wanted to kill Vali, or become king, did I ever say?
With such ideas, and reassuring promise, you came my way
You threw Dhundhubi's carscass with your toe
And asked me to trust you, in ending my woe"

"Even then I doubted, your capacity to kill Vali
You shot seven trees, standing in the Valley
You convinced me to fight Vali, and that you would kill
Vali with a single arrow, while the fight is going on still"

"I went and challenged Vali, upon you, entrusting my life
I tried my best fighting him, hoping you would end my strife
But all that happened was Vali beating me black and blue
Why you did not shoot him down, I do have no clue"

Though amused a bit, Lord Rama did feel sorry
The promise he made to Sugriva, that He could not carry
Though to kill Vali, Lord Rama had the zeal
There was a valid reason for not keeping the deal

"For not shooting my arrow, I do have a reason
I did not want fate to do some treason
While Vali and You, angrily fought
Who was Vali? was my thought"

"Both of you looked like one and the same
To kill you wrongly, I was not game
From shooting the arrow, I did refrain
From killing Vali, I had to abstain"

Though Sugriva found the reason valid
In expressing his hesitation, he was candid
"Lord! I do not want to kill Vali and become king
Do not tie around my neck, a hopeful string"

"To kill Ravana and get Sita, you could approach Vali
Why do you prefer me before him, reason does not tally
Vali has already defeated Ravana, once in duel
In fulfilling your need, he could be fuel"

"Leave me alone and go to Vali
Let me live safely in this valley
Challenging Vali in duel, is something I can't
Becoming King, is not what I want"

Sugriva said so and remained silent
Rama wanted him shed fear and be violent
Not because violence, was Lord Rama's fave
But because Sugriva with valour, must behave

"Vali is a heartless being, let him be
Character not might, is what I see
You are good, Vali is bad
Good people by my side, I've always had"

"Prefer to live like a hero, not a coward
Valour not fear, must be your path forward
As a coward you can live a thousand years
Better is, a life for an hour, dispelling fears "

"Go and challenge Vali, in duel again
I will help you kill Vali, and kingdom regain
This time go with a garland around your neck
I will fulfill my promise, without a speck"

Sugriva, for sometime was very hesitant
But then he understood, Lord Rama's intent
He still could not see, if he could trust Rama
But he decided that his life should be a hero's drama

Sugriva decided to live for only that day
What ever fate may bring his way
He decided not to be a coward anymore
A short life with valour, was a better score

Sugriva wore the garland, Hanuman gave
To Rama and his friends, he did wave
He decided to break, the fearful cage
And fight with Vali with unlimited rage

Vali to his surprise heard Sugriva's voice
He was surprised, hearing Sugriva's noise
Sugriva seemed to have lost all fear
And to Vali's palace, he came near

Tara, wife of Vali, was caught with fear
She expressed her fear that Vali's death was near
"Lord! Please do not be enraged and get into fight
Sugriva's new found courage doesn't seem right"

"Angada our son, brought me some news
That Rama was with Sugriva, and they were in truce"
"I do not care, even if Lord Shiva is with him"
Saying so to his wife, Vali remained grim

Vali ran towards Sugriva with unlimited rage
Fate against him, had turned a page
With his clenched fists, Vali delivered a blow
Sugriva dodged it easily and smiled with a glow

Fight between Vali and Sugriva again resumed
That Sugriva would loose, Vali wrongly presumed
Sugriva this time, fought with all his might
Not expecting Rama, to help him in this fight

This time, for a longer time, they fought like equal
Vali not realising, to this fight, his death was sequel
Vali did realise, that Sugriva was stronger than ever before
But Vali had not seen defeat, this lifetime, ever before

Lord Rama was happy the way Sugriva fought
Focused on the fight, was Sugriva's thought
Lord Rama could see that Sugriva was truly fearless
For his own life, Sugriva seemed to be careless

At one point, Vali lifted Sugriva, above his head
An arrow pierced Vali's chest, from direction unsaid
Unable to crash Surgiva, Vali fell to the floor
Shocked that, death for him, had opened its door

Vali pulled out of his chest, the arrow
Unable to bear the shock and sorrow
On the arrow he saw The Name of Ram
Jai Shri Ram! Jai Jai Shri Ram!!

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