Monday, May 11, 2020

Angada's Message

Crores and crores of monkeys swarmed around Lanka's fort
To fight, kill and die, they were all sport
Bears along with monkeys were also in the team
Happy, because of the adventure, their faces did gleam

Lord Rama and Lakshman approached the northern gate
Hanuman with his army approached the western gate
Angada with his army approached the southern gate
Neelan along with army approached the eastern gate

After surrounding, all the four gates of Lanka's fort
Angada was chosen by Rama, as a messenger sport
"Child! approach Ravana, this very moment
And tell him to get ready for his death event"

"To submit Sita to me, it is not very late
He can still surely escape an adverse fate"
Saying so Rama sent Angada into Lanka's heart
Angada went with enthuse, to play the messenger part

Angada boldy and bravely entered Ravana's court
And announced that they've surrounded Lanka's fort
He asked for a seat and was provided none
This insult from his heart he did shun

Angada rolled round his tail growing it longer
And made it into a seat that was much stronger
With pride and confidence he sat on it
And explained to Ravana what fate has knit

"It is still not late for you to make amends
On your decision, the fate of Lanka depends
Handover Mother Sita to Rama, Her spouse
If not death cries will be heard in your house"

To pay heed to Angad, Ravana was arrogant
To give up Mother Sita, he was adamant
"Catch this monkey and kill him now
Unto to my feet, if he does not bow"

To catch Angada and kill him, four soldiers ran
But Angad with his might, showed them what he can
Carrying the four men, Angad flew high
Then he shook them off, from the high sky

Angada kicked the tower of Ravana's court
In the cat and mouse game, Angad was a sport
Angad quickly returned to the presence of Ram
Happily saying "Jai Shri Ram! Jai Jai Shri Ram!!"

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