Monday, May 11, 2020

Two Spies From Ravana

Two spies into the monkey army, Ravana sent
To know the strength of the monkey army, He was bent
Suka and Charana were the names of the spies
They impenetrated the monkey army, in monkey's disguise

Information about the monkey army, they did try to collect
To talk with the naivest monkeys, they did try to select
 But Vibhishana easily identified them
Among the Lankites, He was a gem

Suka and Charana, by the monkeys were thrashed
Left, right, and front, by the monkeys they were bashed
Suka and Charana, were brought before Ram
Rama asked the monkeys to stop beating and be calm

Rama gave permission to Suka and Charana
To gather all information, and go to Ravana
"Tell your king, I have nothing to hide
Victory is going to be, on my side"

Saying so Lord Rama dismissed the spies
Suka and Charana, regretted their lies
Suka and Charana went back to their king
And Rama's glory they did sing

Ravana was irritated by their speech
At Suka and Charana, he did screech
He caught them by their necks, very tight
And asked them to disappear from his sight

Suka and Charana realised the greatness of Ram
And wondered how a leader could keep so calm
They realised Ravana was no match for Ram
Jai Shri Ram! Jai Jai Shri Ram!!

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