Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Burning Lanka

To wreak havoc in Lanka, Hanuman decided
This as part two of His work, Hanuman divided
Large trees from the ground, Hanuman plucked
Huge gates front of buildings, Hanuman kicked

Hanuman was keen on inviting some trouble
His new found courage and strength were now double
To meet Ravan, face to face, was His new plan
To draw attention to Himself, He did all that He can

He uprooted large trees and threw them, here and there
On what could happen to himself, the least did he care
Large buildings and structures, with rocks He smashed
Large temple towers, with uprooted trees, He squashed

To inform Ravan about Him, Ravan's servants ran
They were shocked and surprised, about what a monkey can
Ravan sent His army, kingaras by name
In the wars before that, they had earned fame

To attack Hanuman, the kingaras did surround
And they did attack Him, with weapons all around
Hanuman picked an Iron Pillar and countered their attack
For the army of Kingaras, there was a quiet set-back

Weapons that came to attack Him, Hanuman did brush
Every one of the Kingaras, Hanuman did crush
News reached Ravan that Kingaras were killed
To send forth the next attack, mighty Ravan willed

Jambumali, son of Prahastha, was sent next
Hanuman enthuse increased, He did not get vexed
Jambumali shot arrows, all of which were dodged
One Huge Rock, on Jambumali's chest was lodged

Smashed by the huge rock, Jambumali fell dead
"I am Rama's servant", Mighty Hanuman said
Hanuman saw a temple, its' tower very tall
Hanuman picked a hillock and made the tower fall

News after news came, but none of them were good
Ravan went in to thinking, as to what next, he could
Seven warriors, sons of ministers, Ravan next, sent
On the hope he had on them, Hanuman made a dent

All the seven warriors along with their fleet
Crushing them with rocks, Hanuman did deplete
Ravan then send, war-chiefs, in number five
Crushing them like tomatoes, Hanuman did thrive

Ravan then sent forth, Aksha kumar, His son
But to win Hanuman, in Lanka there were none
Though did Akshakumar, put up a fight
He could not withstand, Lord Hanuman's might

Hanuman simply grabbed him, with his own legs
Smashed his head on a rock, which broke like eggs
Ravan felt devastated, on his son's death
For a moment in shock, he held his breath

Ravan on His son's death, was totally vexed
His another son Indrajeeth, Ravan sent next
Victor over Indra, was what Indrajeeth meant
To conquer a monkey, now Indrajeeth was bent

Indrajeeth shot at Hanuman, the Bramma's arrow
Hanuman respecting it, fell to it like a sparrow
Bramma's arrow didn't hurt Hanuman, but just tied
To tie Hanuman with ropes, Indrajeeth's men vied

Once tied with ropes, Bramma's arrow would loosen
Not knowing this, Indrajeeth men did fasten
Hanuman with ropes, and they felt happy
Not ever realising their action was crappy

Though Bramma's arrow did loosen
And material ropes did fasten
Hanuman remained like he was tied
Not understanding Hanuman, Indrajeeth sighed

Wanting to meet Ravan, Hanuman remained tied
Not because of the ropes, Indrajeeth's men tied
Indrajeeth realised this and decided to play along
Hanuman on the streets of Lanka, was dragged along

Lankites were happy on seeing Hanuman caught
Non can win the Lankites, they wrongly thought
Anyways that moment was theirs to celebrate
In teasing and beating Hanuman, they did collaborate

Hanuman gave them their time and walked silently
He restrained Himself, from acting violently
Meeting Ravan, was the one thing He wanted
So silently within His mind, Rama's name He chanted

Atlast before Ravan, Hanuman was taken
Hanuman could see, Ravan was shaken
Ravan concealed his shock, tried to be normal
Hanuman greeted Ravan, just to be formal

"Hello Ravan, King of Lanka, and mighty warrior
To meet you here, I've crossed a lot of barrier
For the message given by Rama, I am a carrier
As you know, I'm not just a messenger, but also a warrior"

"In Rama's absence, you have abducted his wife
Who to him, is very much His life
You should let go of Her, without a strife
If not, you'll meet, Rama's arrows and knife"

As if hearing a joke, Ravana laughed
Hiding his tension, Ravana coughed
"I am a king with a mighty army
To me you think, Rama can be stormy"

"You destroyed my grove and killed my men
With death penalty, you must be punished then"
Vibheeshana at this juncture politely intervened
On Hanuman's side, Vibheeshana's talk leaned

"The monkey is just a messenger, he must not be killed
He can be punished, if the mighty king willed"
Ravan accepted what Vibheeshana just said
And refrained from, cutting Hanuman's head

Instead Ravan decided to burn the monkey's tail
Not ever realising, that plan would become fail
Servants of Ravan, surrounded Hanuman
Trying to tie clothes on the tail of Hanuman

Hanuman's tail grew, longer, longer and longer
Servant's of Ravan tied His tail, stronger, stronger and stronger
After tying Hanuman's tail as much as they could
They poured oil on it, to light fire, as they would

Some Rakshashi guards, informed Sita, about burning Hanuman's tail
Sita prayed to Agni, That this attempt must fail
Agni conceded to Sita's prayers and remained cool
Hoping to burn Hanuman's tail, Ravan became fool

Hanuman realised that The Fire would not hurt him
Hanuman hurt others with the fire, with just a whim
Hanuman playfully moved, His tail here and there
Ravan's servants were hurt, by the fire, here and there

Seeing that the fire in His tail, burnt what He wanted
Setting fire to buidings, Hanuman swiftly haunted
Hanuman swiftly burned, people and places
Where ever He moved, there were fire's traces

In a short time, He burnt all of Lanka, fast
The destruction He brought, was very vast
Not knowing, with Hanuman, how to deal
The people of Lanka, did helplessly squeal

Only two places did not catch fire
From burning Lanka Hanuman did retire
One place that did not burn was Vibheeshana's house
Second place, was the place of Shri Rama's spouse

After burning Lanka, Hanuman was caught by fear
That the fire could've approached Mother Sita's near
Just then he heard voices of Charanas talking among themselves, from the sky
Of How Mother Sita, and Vibheeshana stayed safe from the fire that burnt high

Hanuman felt relieved and wanted to Meet Mother Sita again
He went to The Ashoka Grove, in search of Mother Sita again
Hanuman did fall at Mother Sita's Feet
Hanuman with Happiness, Mother Sita did greet

"You have accomplished a great feat
It is time for you to now retreat
With all this good news, go back to Ram
And ask Him to follow a Kshathriya's norm"

Hanuman accepted what She said
Touched Her Feet, with His head
He decided to go back to Ram
Jai Shri Ram Jai Jai Shri Ram

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