Sunday, May 3, 2020

Hanuman's mighty leap

Hanuman in his gigantic form, ran atop a mountain
His enthusiasm and courage were a new found fountain
On the Mahendra mountain, he ran to the top
Hanuman from his actions, there is none who could stop

Like a mountain on a mountain, Hanuman stood on top
The sea like a small puddle, Hanuman decided to hop
Pressing his legs on the mountain, Hanuman did leap
The determination showed by Hanuman, was very steep

Leaping up from the mountain, Hanuman started to fly
From the land and sea level, Hanuman was very high
Like a large rain cloud, Hanuman's shadow fell on the sea
The sea and its waves from top view, Hanuman did see

Like an eagle on its flight, Hanuman traveled fast
Like a mountain, in flight, His size was very vast
The sun wanting to help Hanuman, hid behind a cloud
The holy name of Shri Rama, Hanuman chanted loud

The wind, father of Hanuman, was a gentle breeze
The opportunity to Help his son, the wind god did seize
On the path of Hanuman, a hill  arose from the sea
As an unexpected obstacle, at the hill, Hanuman did see

With his mighty chest, Hanuman banged on the hill
The hill showed no enemity and stood strong still
A person did appear, on the top of the hill
And smiled at Hanuman, with a friendly will

"I am the soul of this mountain, Hanuman dear
Thinking me of a enemy, please don't fear
In the past, there was a time, hills could fly
Threatened were beings, seeing hills fly high

So Indra took his weapon and cut of their wings
The mountains became immovable, loosing their wings
At that time I did not loose my wing, as you can see
Because, The wind, your father, immersed me in the sea

Now I arise from the sea, so that I can help you
You could rest on me and then travel, for minutes few"
The hill being stood there with a smile and folded palms
Requesting Hanuman to take rest, as if seeking alms

Though pleased, the offer, Hanuman turned down
The hill being still smiled and did not frown
On behalf of Rama, Hanuman was doing his best
Until the job is done well, Hanuman would not rest

Hanuman kept flying, determined not to stop
A female giant, named Surasai, on his way did pop
"None can go past me, I have such a boon
Anyone who comes my way, should go into my mouth soon"

Saying so Surasai opened her mouth wide
Hanuman, increased his size, on the other side
Surasai opened her mouth, more and more wide
Hanuman kept increasing in size, on the other side

Surasai opened her mouth, wider than ever before
Hanuman became a thumb size, smaller than ever before
He went into Surasai's mouth and came out with a wit
Surasai was surprised, not expecting this a bit

"Your boon is fulfilled, I did go into your mouth
Now stay away from my path, as I travel south"
Surasai liked the way, Hanuman acted with wit
With a open heart and smile, she appreciated it

Hanuman traveled further, flying further high
A giant named Simhika, happily heaved a sigh
Simhika, caught Hanuman by his shadow, deciding to eat
This next challenge, to Hanuman, was an uplifting treat

Hanuman turned back to see
Simhika rising from the sea
Simhika opened her mouth to swallow
Hanuman entered it, as if it was shallow

He then went down her food pipe, as if it was best
And then he came out of her body, tearing her chest
Simhika fell dead, screaming out her life
Hanuman smiled on winning, that petty strife

Hanuman traveled further and on the Lanka Shore he landed
He was capable of taking Lanka, even if he was single handed
He then shrunk his body, to the size of a cat
And stealthily entered Lanka, in order to search that

Lanka's guardian angel, stopped him on his way
About why he was entering Lanka, she asked him to say
" You cannot go past me, as I am on Lanka's guard
Turn around and go away, even if you're God"

Hanuman with his left hand, on her face, he slapped
As an appreciation for Hanuman, the guardian angel clapped
Brahma told me in the past, that a monkey would defeat me
Till then guarding Lanka, in this place, I have to be

"Now that you defeated me, my job here is done
Protecting this place anymore, I have decided to shun
Go into Lanka and do as you please
What ever you want, you will achieve it with ease"

Saying so the guardian angel disappeared in thin air
Hanuman thanked her, for acting very fair
He then decided to do, the bidding of Ram
Jai Shri Ram! Jai Jai Shri Ram!!

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