Saturday, May 2, 2020

Search begins

Sugriva fell at Shri Rama's feet
With smile and respect, he did greet
He apologised for not coming earlier
He couldn't have brought the army earlier

With Sugriva was his full army, now
Crores of monkeys at Rama did bow
Monkeys of various colours and place
Were ready to search for Mother Sita's trace

His army into four groups, Sugriva divided
To send a group in a direction, Sugriva decided
Geography in all directions, Sugriva explained
A leader for each group, Sugriva ordained

Sugriva called for Vinathan, a strong and powerful beast
And asked him to lead the team, that goes in search, east
To search in the direction west
Surgiva felt Sushena would be best

To search in the northern direction
Sugriva gave Sathabali, instruction
To search in the direction south, atlast
Angad was sent, with an army, vast

Along with Angad Hanuman went
Jambavan, the bear, was also sent
 His signet ring to Hanuman, Lord Shri Rama gave
Among those who went in search, Hanuman was his fave

Back came the team that went in search, north
Saying, Sita couldn't be found henceforth
Back came the team that went to the east
And said, chances of finding Sita were least

Back came the team, that went in search, west
Saying, searching Sita there, would not be very best
Now on the team that went south, all hope was pinned
That Mother Sita would be South, chances got thinned

Angad, Hanuman and Jambavan, searched, searched and searched
Whenever they needed rest, here and there they perched
Frustrated they became, after searching for long
Not seeing Mother Sita, they could not remain strong

Searching mountains and forests, they kept going
They were very angry, for Ravana's doing
After searching for long, they did feel thirst
And because of hunger, they felt their body would burst

They then saw a cave, from which light did come
The birds that went in and came out were some
So they hoped, there would be water to drink
The hope of finding Mother Sita, was at its brink

They then entered the cave and were surprised to see
The comfort and luxury in that cave was a sea
There was good food to eat and drinks to drink
They enjoyed it, as they were at their hunger's brink

They then saw in the cave a lady, Suyamprabha by name
Through years of austerity, she had made her senses tame
She then adressed and talked to the monkey group
Asking what they were doing there as a troupe

The monkey group explained to Suyamprabha about their mission
That they were searching for Mother Sita, all places, without omission
Suyamprabha said, "those who entered this cave cannot go out alive"
"But because you are servants of Shri Rama, you monkeys can survive"

Suyamprabha asked them to close their eyes and hold each others hands
Within a moment they were out of the cave, and near the sea lands
Suyamprabha wished them good luck and disappeared in a jiffy
The monkeys were surpised on seeing, one side sea and other side cliffy

Not finding Mother Sita, the monkeys lost their heart
Giving up life, to heavens they wanted to depart
About not able to find, Sita or Ravan, Angadan lamented long
Afraid of Sugriva, his uncle, he could not remain strong

"We have searched for a month now
We do not know, to find Sita, how
To Sugriva, we cannot go and bow
Our lives to death, he would certainly tow"

"Jatayu gave up his life, fighting for Mother Sita
We're going to give up our lives, searching for Mother Sita"
Saying so Angad sat down on the ground crying
He seldom realised, there were still chances for trying

Sampathi an old bird, heard what Angad was saying
He wanted to know the story of Jatayu's slaying
Sampathi was Jatayu's elder brother
Jatayu's untoward death made him bother

He approached the monkeys, to get the full picture
Jatayu's death in his heart, was a broken fixture
The monkeys explained to Him the story of Lord Rama
And made him realise, where he fits in the drama

Sampathi sincerely wanted to avenge Jatayu's death
But to fight Ravan, his strength was at dearth
So he decided to help the monkeys, with information, rare
He reassured Angada, that the situtation need not scare

Sampathi and Jatayu were brothers, of the same blood
In the path of adventure, in the past, they did tread
Sampathi and Jatayu, flew high in the sky
To reach to the sun, they both did try

The closer they went to the bright big sun
To protect them from heat, there was none
Sampathi wanted Jatayu to be safe and sound
Sampathi covered Jatayu, with his wings around

Sampathi's wings got burned. And Sampathi fell
Where Jatayu went, Sampathi could not tell
Since all alone, Sampathi lived in the cliff
For the brothers to ever meet again, chances became stiff

Sampathi was assured by Nisagara a sage
That his life would not be for ever a wingless cage
Nisagara told Sampathi to live in the cliff, with patience and hope
Till servants of Rama come there, he should somehow cope

Servants of Rama would come in Sita's search
Till then on the cliff top, Sampathi must perch
Once he gives them, information that is vital
Servants of Rama, would sing Rama's name in recital

Once, by Rama's servants, Rama's name is sung
Sampathi would definitely get his right wing
Then by Rama's servants, Rama's name is sung
Sampathi would definitely get his left wing

So Sampathi talked to the monkeys at length
With the hop that he would get back his strength
"Friends, let me tell you what I know
All the information I can, I will show

But before that please, sing the name of Ram
Singing the name of Rama, make my heart warm
Though the monkeys were surprised at this request
The monkey's sang the name of Rama, at Sampathi's behest

Jai Shri Ram Jai Jai Shri Ram
Sampathi's right wing sprouted and he was calm
Jai Shri Ram Jai Jai Shri Ram
Sampathi's left wing sprouted and he smiled warm

The monkeys were surprised and happy at this change
Their hopes soared high, upto the Himalayan range
Sampathi then said to the monkeys, he did see Ravan
Taking Mother Sita, to his own haven

Sampathi also said after flying high
He could see Mother Sita heaving a sigh
That she is in Lanka, as a captive, kept
Crying and crying, She never slept

The monkeys were both angry and sad
They hated Ravana for being so bad
Information about Sita, after he did say
Sampathi happily started to go his way

The monkeys now started to discuss, what to be done next
They were very happy and were not any more vexed
About Mother Sita, what Sampathi did inform
The monkeys wanted to check and do confirm

So they started to discuss, how they could go across the sea
This challenge that fore stood, was the greatest challenge, to be
Hanuman stood silent, lost in thought
Words of wisdom to him, Jambavan brought

"Hanuman, why do you stay silent, you are the hero
Except for you, chances of crossing the ocean is zero
Remind yourself about the hero you are
To reach to the sun, did you not fly afar"

"Oh Son of Vayu, please rise and shine
For your heroism to come out, time is very fine"
Thus like this, Hanuman by Jambavan was prodded
Recollecting His strength, Hanuman silently nodded

Hanuman decided to cross the very vast sea
And Mother Sita, with His own eyes see
For a moment, in silence, he remained calm
And then he uttered, Jai Shri Ram!

Hanuman took for Himself a gigantic form
Deciding to follow a cunning spy's norm
Determined to take some good news to Ram
He said, "Jai Shri Ram! Jai Jai Shri Ram"

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