The Ultimate Liberator!

For the seekers of knowledge
Can there be a knowledge?
better than
The Knowledge of The Divine, Shri Rama!

The one who liberated
Even the blades of grasses
And all the swarms of ants

Leaving none behind
That ever existed
In the Good City of Ayodhya

And placed them in
An exotic heaven
Created exclusively for them
By the Great Grandshire Brahma!


Ramayanam is Agriculture
Bhagavatham is Harvest

The twin-syllable, Rama
When a devotee exalts!
The Birth-Death cycle
It permanently halts

Goodness and Wealth
It everyday brings
Sin and poverty
It cleanses and shrinks


Goodness Honesty Sweetness Simplicity
Gentleness Strength Humility Bravery
Valour Talent Prowess Success
Memory Trustworthiness Heroism Genuinity
Such adorable qualities and so much more
By chanting Rama's name you will score!


My Lord's Story: Goodness Incarnate

Ramayanam in English poetry.

The Supreme Lord of the Universe was once born on this earth as a Human Being, faced challenges and had His share of pain and pleasure going through both good and bad times like any of us. Like any of us He too, took His turn in laughter and cry.

This humility of The Lord, that makes Him come down to earth and share with us our difficulties to show us a way to handle them is what I admire in Him. This quality of Him, makes me surrender to Him unconditionally and makes me want to sing His Glory on and on and on.

My Lord's Story is an out pour of my devotion that seeps out in gratitude for the pains He took to be a lighthouse for us, to cross the ocean of Samsara.

Links to all the posts have been provided in an order on the right side column.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Across the Ganges

Guha and Sumanthra stood by the shore
Watching the boat drift away with the four
With his mind fixed on Rama, the oarsman oared
Proud on cradling Rama on her lap, the Ganges soared

Like a man trying to cross the Samsara ocean
The boat, like his body, was now in motion
Like the surrendered ego, the oarsman looked
Towards Rama, the conscience, his attention was hooked

Sita sat beside The Lord like the man’s devotion
Lakshman like efficiency stood to serve with passion
We learn from this that if our ego surrenders
The Lord enters our heart forgiving blunders

Along with Him come love and talent
Awakening within us our goodness latent
Once we manage to invite these three
We are, very soon, bound to be free

Her hands through the waves, Mother Sita swayed
Like a daughter to a Mother, Mother Sita prayed
Wishing their exile, at large, must benefit the world
Aromatic flowers to the river, in offering she hurled

She turned towards Her Lord with a whim
Story of Ganges, She wanted to hear from Him
The Lord narrated the story with a serene flow
Revealing the reasons for the river’s reverential glow

“This water was first born from Vishnu’s feet
And gifted to Brahma who sits on a lotus seat
In his kamandal, Brahma saved this water
And used it to worship Vishnu without falter

When Vishnu as Vikrama measured the sky
His feet entered Heaven, as He lifted it high
Seeing the Supreme Lord’s Feet appear before his eye
Brahma poured this water on it, leaving no part dry

The water that spilled flowed as a river through heaven
The Devas rejoiced the birth of this water
By dancing for music accompanied with laughter”

Saying thus, Lord Rama paused for a moment
To see how His listeners had taken the event
For, a pot of water becoming a river was magical
He expected them to seek an explanation logical

He especially looked at the oarsman’s face
Which, did not show a doubtful trace
He then looked at Sita, who understood His mind
In picking up gestures, She was of the smartest kind

“Lord! How does a pot of water, small in size
To a river that is large, could give rise?”
In the oarsman’s view, this question was not right
On Mother Sita’s ignorance, he liked to throw some light

He came up with a beautiful example
To unquestioning faith, that was a sample
First, The Lord’s permission, he did seek
Then unto Mother Sita, he did speak

“The flame that we light, though tiny and small
Its light and heat throughout the room does fall
When a flame that we light can expand to that extend
Why must a drop, from the Lord’s feet, not expand?”

The oarsman’s faith, Lord Rama did appreciate
He also advised the former not to hate
The ones who seek logical reason
For curiosity is not a sinful passion

“Faith on one side is a matter of the heart
Brain on the other side, plays the rational part
Working as a team, they create wonders
Mocking each other, they commit blunders”

The oarsman realised Lord Rama’s words to be fair
And apologized to Mother Sita for mistaking Her
He then sought the answer for Mother Sita’s question
Lord Rama asked Lakshman to grant some vision

Mother Sita and the oarsman became eager to hear
Lakshman started to explain from Lord Rama’s rear
“I share with you what my Brother has taught
None of the following is my own thought

What, is a second in Brahma’s world
Is like a year in the heavenly world
What, is a year in the heavenly world
Is like a century in our human world

What, is a drop in Lord Brahma’s world
Is like a river in the heavenly world
What, is a river in the heavenly world
Is like an ocean in our own world”

The oarsman‘s eyes were now open wide
He turned with remorse towards Mother Sita’s side
“You are the Lord’s wife, how could you go wrong?
My Intellect like Yours is not very strong”

Mother Sita reassured him that he need not be sorry
Heated debates while learning are nothing to worry
Only that, one must not become angry or proud
From seeing the truth, these two would shroud

A lot from them, the oarsman learned
He felt grateful for the knowledge earned
Talks from Lord Rama, he wanted more
For his chance was only till the shore

“Lord! I want more of your voice that is melodic
The message that you convey to me is benefic
Mother! Ask the Lord about something interesting
Perhaps about scriptural verses, sometimes contrasting”

Mother Sita accepted, on his behalf, to enquire
She wanted the oarsman, some info, to acquire
“Lord, The Ganges that once belonged to heaven
How and why, to the earth, was it given?”

Lord Rama was delighted to continue Ganga’s story
Which also spoke of His great fore-fathers’ glory
The story that was His childhood fave
Great inspiration, to Him, it always gave

“King Sagara belonged to the Sun Dynasty
He ruled the earth with all honesty
He had two wives, like his right and left hands
Except for a child, they had no demands

So, King Sagara and his wives approached a sage
And expressed their grief after paying homage
The sage pitied them and decided to offer relief
He spoke words to wipe out their grief

“My power can give one son to one of your wives
The other wife must bear sixty thousand lives
The one son, for progeny, is blessed to be paternal
The sixty thousand sons will make your name eternal

The one son, for progeny, which queen would bear?
To mother sixty thousand sons, which queen would dare?
They must make their choices in agreement, mutual
If not, I cannot perform for them the needed ritual”

The first queen chose to prolong her husband’s glorious line
The second queen chose to make his name eternally shine
Thus was born Asamanjan who was very cruel
And his sixty thousand brothers, masters in duel

Asamanjan begot Ansuman a pious and beautiful child
But to other kids, in the kingdom, he was wild
Sadistic was he, throwing children into the river
He watched them drown, laughing out his liver

When King Sagara heard this, he was dejected
He ordered his son, out of the nation, to be ejected
Anyway, the King found solace in his grandson Ansuman
Who, grew up through years into a very good man

King Sagara started the Aswamedha yagna
Somehow overcoming the unpleasant stigma
Ashwameda involves a horse that is white
To travel all nations and return without fight

If it comes back safe, the yagna is completed
But if any king obstructs, he has to be defeated
In case the horse promptly doesn’t return
Endless misery would start to churn

So, the horse was sent out fully decked
Indra did not want it to go unchecked
He was jealous, King Sagara would succeed
He stole the horse and hid it, to impede

Sixty thousand sons of Sagara started to search
Around the world they started to angrily lurch
They dug up all land leaving it with dents
The world was terrified by those furious gents

They entered a cave that was dark on the way
Sage Kapila was meditating there night and day
Behind him, tied was the horse, well secluded
Sage Kapila to be the thief, they hastily concluded

Wanting to punish him for the act, forward they dashed
The sage opened his fire emitting eyes, and they got ashed
The Sage regretted the event that ended up nasty
But he knew, in defense, he had to be hasty

Their return from search, by the king, was eagerly expected
Seeing no sign of their imminent return, the king suspected
Something bad, to his beloved sons, must have happened
His sorrow of loosing the horse, further, got deepened

At his grandpa’s behest, for his uncles, Ansuman sought
He searched in all the places, where his uncles had fought
Finally he too entered the cave and saw the horse
Also his uncles’s ashes and wanted to know the cause

He waited in the cave, till the sage’s penance ended
The answer for his questions, Sage Kapila then rendered
The sage also said that his uncles, who are now ashes,
Will be liberated, only if, Ganga descends and washes!

Already old and now in pain, King Sagara breathed his last
The job of getting the Ganges, unto Ansuman’s shoulders was cast
Ansuman could not think of a way, till his end
It became his son Dilipa’s job to make amend

Dilipa was renowned in the world as a mighty warrior
Yet, to the job his predecessors left, he was just a carrier
To him was born King Bhagiratha the great
The compulsive one who wiped off his clan’s ill-fate

King Bhagiratha handed to his ministers, the kingship reigns
And went alone to the forest to take up pains
Determined to bring Ganges to the ground
Deep in his meditation he got drowned

Brahma appeared before him after centuries went
To Bhagiratha’s noble request, he accepted to relent
Anyway he warned of Ganga’s mighty force during descent
And only Shiva can bear it on his head that sports a crescent

Bhagiratha, towards success, wanted to advance
In order to propitiate Shiva, he started his penance
A few centuries again slowly went by
Until one day Shiva appeared to say hi

Shiva the splendid who is easily appeased
Accepted to dike the Ganges, once it is released
Brahma kept up his word and Ganga started to rush
Proud of her might, she thought, Shiva would crush

All knowing Shiva sensed her thought
Hence within his tresses she got caught
To teach her a lesson Shiva kept her there
Later, released her on seeing his devotee’s despair

Ganga now pure, with her pride humbled
Down from Kailash, she gradually tumbled
Like the happy tears that rolled down Bhagiratha’s cheek
She rolled down the hill like mercury with grace and sleek

On the way down she suddenly vanished
Leaving poor Bhagiratha fully astonished
When he went in search, his heart was about to burst
As he saw a sage named Jhanu, quenching his thirst

The sage collected all of Ganga in a pot
And drank to his content, the entire lot
The sage had done so since she became proud again
And spoiled a ritual he was doing for spiritual gain

Bhagiratha explained to the sage about his quest
The sage accepted to release The Ganges, lest
Bhagiratha’s tremendous effort will go in vain
And effort-taking habits, in future, will go drain

The sage released The Ganges through his ears
Bhagiratha at last succeeded after a legion of years
The Ganga now flowed unhindered with pomp
Dragging rocks and trees, in its playful stomp

Ganga roared into Kapila’s cave washing off the ashes
Liberating sixty thousand souls before a lightning flashes
It further went on to fill all the dents those warriors dug
After occupying two third of the world, it became smug

Thus were formed the seven oceans of the earth
Where fishes, sharks and whales play in mirth
It is popularly known as Sagar as per the sage’s word
The sixty thousand sons made the name always heard

Bhagirathi and Jhanavi are also Ganga’s names
To ever remind us of Bhagiratha’s and Jhanu’s fames
This is the story of Ganges, the holy
Which, cleanses sins, earned by folly"

Thus Lord Rama expounded the story of the Ganges
Whose roots are not exactly in the Himalayan ranges
Sita, Lakshman and the oarsman were delighted with Ram
Jai Shri Ram! Jai Jai Shri Ram!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Oarsman’s trick!

Lord Rama woke up opening His beautiful eyes
Resembling lotuses blossoming on seeing sunrise
His eyelids while opening were like, shells of the sea
Revealing black coloured pearls gleaming with glee

Mother Sita had already woken before Him
The jungle had raised Her wit and vim
She always wanted, by Her Husband, to be seen
Beautiful, brisk and decorated serene

Lakshman had made all arrangements for his Lord
To perform worship to the sun as per Vedic record
He became a mother in caring for His Brother’s needs
Not as a service, but worship, he performed his deeds

Guha by this time had arranged, vegetarian food
Fruits, roots and green leaves, tasty and good
He had seen in Shri Rama, the meaning of noble
He was inspired by Lakshman to be selfless and able

Sumanthra was the one who was now sad at heart
Knowing Rama would order him to soon depart
He gazed at Rama as if to capture Rama’s image
It looked as if he was trying to gauge

If he could take Rama captive in his virtual mind
In order to prevent Rama from staying behind
He realised the futility of what his helpless mind wished
He could not stop the tear that profusely gushed

Lord Rama worshipped the sun giving water as oblations
This gave Him clarity in seeing, amidst problems, solutions
Rama then accepted the food, Guha offered with care
Sita and Lakshman also accepted their humble share

Lord Rama then approached Sumanthra, the earnest
Folded His palms in reverence and spoke words, honest
“Venerable Sir, Thou to me have been more like a father
I seek your permission, in my journey, to continue further

Though being a minister, you took up the rein
And served me as a driver, not expecting gain
I know how much your heart would pain
In seeing my image, as I go, become wane

Yet I have to say, it is time for us to part
With gratitude I appreciate you, for your part
Go back home and be with my dad
You are the best friend, he always had

Tell him we are happy and help him lighten
Let his face that is dark with sorrow, brighten
Tell our mothers, we send our regards with respect
On noble Bharatha’s character, let them not suspect

Serve my brother, like you served my father
The subjects support for him, you must gather
When you meet my brother next, you must tell
I will always be praying for him to be well

Tell him to accept the Kingdom without any guilt
I know it was his mother, not him, for me being jilt
Tell him when I return, I will not dispute over right
I will lay my life for him, rather than starting a fight”

Saying thus Lord Rama ended His message
To Sumanthra’s heart it was a heavy luggage
Anyway he nodded realising its worthy weightage
He decided to carry it without demanding freightage

To keep Rama with him for ever, Guha desperately desired
Even to surrender his kingdom, he was truly inspired
He spoke words, through which his devotion transpired
Hoping to succeed in achieving for what he aspired

“Shri Rama! To thy holy feet, I surrender my all
May Your rule on this kingdom from now befall
You father’s words don’t fail as this is already jungle
I want you to be with us, as our King, and mingle”

“Dear Guha! What merit have I done to be your friend!?
One’s own kingdom for his friend, who could extend!?
Goose bumps through me, your loving words send
As a fifth brother in my heart you have tightly blend

Wishing to make the exile term useful, I have taken
Some vows as per the Vedas that cannot be shaken
In staying with you, Father’s promise does not flaw
But I cannot do my penance abiding ascetic law

Thank you so much for making this noble offer
One who has friends like you is never a pauper
Enjoying comfort and pleasure I must not stay
Please forgive me and allow me to go my way”

Guha, though not happy, realised Rama’s position
He could appreciate the genuinity in Rama’s decision
He fell at Lord Rama’s feet seeking Rama’s blessing
Rama blessed Guha, with an embrace that was pressing

Rama’s action proves that in His eyes all are same
Though one may belong, by caste, to any frame
It also brings to light that He is simple by mind
To the fact that He was royal, He was always blind

Lord Rama then discussed with Guha about His route
And decided, crossing Ganges on a boat, would best suit
Guha ordered his men to summon his personal oarsman
And wait at the place where the river’s course ran

The oarsman was not a very educated man
To Lord Rama he had already become a fan
He was also among the crowd that spent the dark
In awe and amazement hearing Lakshman talk

When Guha told him, to take Rama across
He straight away refused to obey his boss
Embarrassed before Rama, Guha asked for a reason
To which the oarsman replied without any confusion

“Dear King, for not obeying your words I am sorry
Only yesterday we heard your divine friend’s story
Though I love to serve Him, I am afraid to
Thinking of what His Holy Feet’s dust can do

In case my boat becomes a girl, like the stone
My wife will fight with me and break my bone
Even her anger I can manage, if I try to sob
But I will end up with two wives and no job”

The divine three and Guha laughed at this
Guha tried to tell him, nothing would go amiss
But the oarsman was not convinced enough
To make him see the truth was very tough

Lord Rama said He was going to wash His feet
The oarsman could check for himself if it was neat
And then he could allow Lord Rama to board
The beautifully decorated boat that is shored

Though the oarsman did appreciate the thought
It could not untie completely his doubtful knot
He personally wanted to do the cleaning
Guha now realised the oarsman’s meaning

“So intentionally you put up all this Drama
Seeking a chance to worship the feet of Shri Rama!?”
He looked to Lord Rama for opinion with a smile
Lord Rama agreed to accede, to the oarsman’s guile

The oarsman made Lord Rama sit
On a rock that was flat and fit
For Lord Rama’s Feet, he placed a wooden slate
He worshipped The Feet, singing a song innate

“Even great sages wait for years, in numbers, vast
For the moment their Lord blesses them, at last
But this fortunate one is here, before his Lord, now
Could anyone understand this and tell me how?

How blessed am I to be here now!
And see the Feet that blessings bestow!
To the feet that carry The Noblest, I bow
At the sight of which my heart seeps love

These feet, that kicked King Dasaratha on the face
And filled him with joy like he was in a heavenly place
These feet that walked on Queen Kausalya’s breast
Filling her with pride like she was honoured in a fest

These feet, that rode on mighty elephants
Which were overjoyed, like carrying their own infants
These feet, that hopped onto energetic horses
Making them want to run for ever, without pauses

These feet, those carry that mighty hero
Who reduced miscreant numbers to zero
And helped Vishwamitra complete his work
Not expecting anything in return as perk

These feet, that entered the Mithila city
And wiped off King Janaka’s longtime pity
These feet, that Mother Sita daily wakes upon
And touches them in worship at dusk and dawn

I am blessed as I pour water on it
I am blessed as I am cleansing it
The feet that cleansed Ahalya’s sins
Cleanses my soul as I rinse

To apply on it, I do not have sandal paste
Yet my worship to it will not go waste
For the one these feet carry is the most merciful
In protecting the surrendered ones He is ever dutiful

Won’t this precious moment, last for ever?
Can I not always be with the most gracious giver?
Anyway, I have already captured Him in my heart
Why should I worry, if He wants to depart?

The Lord who has a duty towards all other creatures
Has spend this moment for me, to admire His features
Expecting anything more than this would be greedy
Let Him go to devotees who are, for his presence, needy

Remembering this moment I can spend my life
For this moment in my memory is filled, rife
Thank you my Lord for giving me a chance
Thank you my Lord for casting a glance

Jai Shri Ram! Jai Jai Shri Ram!!
Jai Shri Ram! Jai Jai Shri Ram!!
Jai Shri Ram! Jai Jai Shri Ram!!
Jai Shri Ram! Jai Jai Shri Ram!!”

Singing thus the oarsman finished his worship
Guha felt proud of having the man under his kingship
Thus the oarsman rejoiced in worshipping Ram
Jai Shri Ram! Jai Jai Shri Ram!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Lakshman Narrates Mother Sita’s Marriage

Lakshman was beaming with joy that he got a chance
Enouncing his Brother’s glories, he entered a trance
Guha was so engrossed in his friend’s words
He was lifted from earth to the heavenly worlds

Neither of them noticed the crowd that had gathered
The Nishada people there were completely smothered
By the qualities and achievements of their king’s Noble Friend
Sumanthra too was one among the audience, in perfect blend

With The Lord and Mother in their divine sleep
And the moon allowing its rays everywhere to seep
It looked like Vishnu and Lakshmi in their divine abode
The Milk Ocean and white moonlight in perfect accord

The crowd that gathered there to be at guard
Was like the Devas who came to worship the Lord
Lakshman equalled Indra in both status and lustre
For he was now at the head of the devotional cluster

Lakshman continued to narrate the events that followed
Listening to which, the crowd was completely wallowed

“Our Guru then led us into a country beyond compare
I felt, nature to other places, had been very unfair
Videha was the fabulous country’s name
Mithila was the capital city of the same

Rivers gushed like children running towards their mother
The flora that flourished looked like they never wither
The cattle were well fed and roamed about free
Running, hopping, and chasing, they played in glee

Elephants that were trained carried people around
Trumpeting like thunder for their pride to resound
In the streets, long and broad, traces were buried
Left behind by chariots while their horses hurried

I saw mansions, white, tall and majestic on the sides
And pairs of eyes vanishing suddenly behind the hides
With the mansions passing behind us like a river
Those eyes looked like diving fishes, caught by quiver

The king Janaka approached our guru on the way
Treating our guru like God, he started to pray
Told our guru that it was his good fortune
And that he had long awaited this opportune

After our guru blessed him, wishing him well
He ordered arrangements be made for us to dwell
We were guided to a palace and well received
And showered with care and comfort, unconceived

After a night’s rest we were invited to the king’s court
Where numerous kings and princes had gathered to court
The hand of Janaka’s daughter, Janaki, in marriage
Determined to return, not without Her, in their carriage

For the news of the Princess’ beauty had traveled far
Making the hearts of those princes a love filled jar
With mounting desire they were gathered there
Hoping to outwit one other and possess Her

Once the assembly was settled down and ready
King Janaka who was learned, wise and heady
Stood up, welcomed all and started to orate
About a bow that was kept in a decorated crate

“The bow that you see belonged to Shiva, the mighty
The Consort of Shakthi and an adorable deity
It had been handed to my lineage by Him as a gift
Even when a thousand men pulled, it could not be shift

But a few years ago I saw a wonder with my eyes
From then on I have been heaving endless sighs
Worrying about finding my daughter a perfect pair
This condition of lifting that bow, I had to declare

For I saw my little daughter who was just five or four
Carry this bow with ease and place it on the floor
And then replaced it with ease in a playful flow
While trying to take her ball caught beneath the bow

She has always been a startling delight
Right from the day she fell at my sight
For I found her wrapped in a silken cloth
While I tilled the earth, forgoing sloth

I thought of her as my child, given to me by earth
My wife Sunayana rejoiced like she had given birth
From then on Sita had been delighting us like a butterfly
Growing in the garden of our hearts, relishing love supply

My little girl, Sita, is now grown up and ripe
As to who would marry her, there is much hype
Anyone who lifts the bow and strings it tight
Would win her hand and wealth of enormous height”

Saying thus the King declared the contest to start
One by one the kings and princes tried their part
The bow moved for none, not even an inch
Making the princes’ pride, feel a pinch

My guru then ordered my Brother to lift the bow
Brother Ram obeyed, disinterested in competing though
He walked up to the dais with all eyes open wide
And lifted the bow high, from where it had lied

Holding it tight, He placed one end on the floor
Leaving all His competitors shaken to the core
While He tried to string, the mighty bow snapped
People forgot to close their mouths leaving it gapped

The sound while it snapped echoed like thunder
It lay dead like His rival’s hopes, broken asunder
The people of Mithila, resounded the hall with claps
Their applauding shouts and cries took long to lapse

The king was filled with joy and almost in tears
For he was waiting for this moment for many years
He stood up along with his men and applauded loud
Showering applause on my brother like a sonic cloud

Looked like the sound that arose while the bow had snapped
Echoed in volume and numbers while the large crowd clapped
The king raised his hands to silence the crowd
There was pin drop silence making him proud

“I thank this young Man for accomplishing this feat
I hereby declare Him as the winner of this meet
I humbly request Him to accept my daughter as his wife
Who would be devoted to Him through out Her life”

My Brother Rama sought my Guru’s permission to speak
And spoke, revealing His character which is always at its peak
“I would be more than happy to accept your gift, provided
Two conditions imposed by me have been met and abided

Oh! Venerable King! Forgive me for showing reluctance
But the expectations of my mind are of utmost importance
I want your daughter to choose, like any other princess
After getting a chance to see all other kings and princes

I believe, women are not like cattle or land
To make them gifts and exchange by hand
Incase your daughter chooses me again
The second condition by me will still remain

Only my father can fulfill my second condition
By coming here and giving his hearty permission
If these two conditions are fulfilled with ease
My heart, after that, would remain in peace”

The whole assembly applauded His virtuous plea
His rivals thanked Him, saying, His heart was a sea
Though some princes again sat back with renewed hope
Many of them wished my Brother must win the nuptial rope

King Janaka appreciated my Brother’s noble thought
Praised our lineage for the kind of men it had brought
He said, my brother seemed to be an epitome of that line
And blessed that my Brother’s glory would eternally shine

He then had his daughter brought to the court
Told her the change of events in a short report
And gave her permission to be anyone’s bride
But the victory was always on my brother’s side

Without turning to the side of Her awaiting suitors
Leaving some of their hopes again in shatters
She said she wanted to marry the one
Who had broken the bow and already won

“With that mighty descendant of Raghu I am in love
My fortunate hands to Him, in marriage, please bestow
I choose Him not because of what he had did
But because, my opinion in this He tried to bid”

With eyes fixed on the floor she spoke her mind
Went near her father, the king, and stood behind
I was amazed by the firmness of her decision
In choosing her groom without having His vision

King Janaka patted Her for being so wise
My Brother’s popularity was on the rise
My guru congratulated and blessed my brother
Who was basking in kudos and praiseful shower

The king sent forth messengers to my father’s place
Who set forth on horses and hurried as if on race
The other princes though half-hearted had to return home
While we were requested to make ourselves at home

It took a week for my father to arrive on the scene
He embraced us tight, for quite a while it had been
He praised my brother and showered him with kisses
And gave his permission for marriage with a lot of yeses

My Brother was very happy and relieved now
For with the bride in question he had fallen in love
He had fallen in love with her at the very first sight
While She entered the court and said He was right

The week that went was like an era to him
Not liking to eat much He had become slim
Though He knew our father would agree
He was eager and anxious to a great degree

The King Janaka received my father with due respect
And discussed with him about the marriage prospect
Both liked each other and came to terms very quickly
They became like long term friends and bonded thickly

The marriage was decided to be on the very next day
By Vashishta and Vishwamitra who had the final say
After reading horoscopes and checking auspicious time
The next day morning was set as prime

It was also decided, along with my brother
Bharatha, Shatrugna and I will also tether
For the king had, three more daughters at hand
Who were ready to receive their bridal strand

The Big Day arrived like the rising sun
Soaking everyone in joy leaving out none
It was a Wednesday the most auspicious of the week
The star was Uttaraphalguni that shines bright and sleek

The stage was decorated with flowers of uplifting smell
Anyone who saw that came under a momentary spell
At the centre of it was a sacred fire emitting light and heat
To be a witness to the marriage, it had already taken its seat

Brother Rama arrived there in His majesty like a second fire
Looking handsome beyond compare in His wedding attire
He was dressed in white interspersed with yellow
He came and took his place with a walk that was mellow

Mother Sita walked like a swan and stood beside
Fixing her eyes on the floor for her emotions to hide
She wore a fulvid silk sari, woven with golden threads
Her ornaments of gold glittering with gem imbeds

Janaka took the couples’ hand and united them
And spoke, clearing his choking voice with a hem
“I here by declare my daughter as your wife
To serve you she will dedicate her entire life

In ever following you, She will be your shadow
In ever brightening your glory, She will be your halo
Like a mother She will take care of your need
Like a daughter, to your words, She will pay heed”

Saying thus, into Brother Rama’s hands, he poured water
Music of blessings was heard from the divine quarter
The duo came around the fire in clockwise direction
Thus was re-established between them their eternal connection

Following their union we brothers too married the very same day
Bharatha married Mandavi and they looked like a sun and its ray
Then I married my Urmila who is like breathe to me
And Shathrugna was united with Shruthakirti for ever to be”

Listening to this marvelous story, the crowd forgot
To see the sun that was rising like a red apricot
So enthralling to everyone is the story of Ram!
Jai Shri Ram! Jai Jai Shri Ram!